River Reels & Tales: A Night of Film and Discussion in Gadsden!

Gadsden Museum of Art 515 Broad St, Gadsden, AL, United States

Join the Alabama Rivers Alliance and Coosa Riverkeeper for a River Reels & Tales: A Night of Film and Discussion About the Coosa River! This exciting series of town hall events will bring the community together for engaging discussions, along with screenings of short films that spotlight the special people, unique history and current issues impacting [...]


Water is Life: Get Out the Vote!

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Get Out the Vote! with League of Women Voters of Alabama and  Alabama State Conference of the NAACP It's time again to exercise your responsibility to vote for decision makers that impact our water, our lives, our communities and our country! Join us Tuesday, October 22 from noon - 1 pm on [...]


Shake the Field Book Club October Meeting


To shake the field, we need to know the field. The Shake the Field Book Club is a chance to dig deep into social movement reality, strategy, and history. Each month, we'll engage with a different movement figure or concept. On Thursday, October 24, 6—7:30 pm, we'll discuss Karla Cornejo Villavicencio's The Undocumented Americans. Immigration has been [...]

River Reels & Tales: A Night of Film and Discussion in Wilsonville!

Lovelight Farm 5562 Highway 55, Wilsonville, AL, United States

Join the Alabama Rivers Alliance and Coosa Riverkeeper for a River Reels & Tales: A Night of Film and Discussion About the Coosa River! This exciting series of town hall events will bring the community together for engaging discussions, along with screenings of short films that spotlight the special people, unique history and current issues impacting [...]


C.R.E.E.K. Free Fishing Clinic for Kids with Coosa Riverkeeper

Oxford Civic Center 401 Mc Cullars Lane, Oxford, AL, United States +1 more

Cast into the Coosa with Coosa Riverkeeper! Four opportunities to sign up and learn to fish on Saturday, October 26th! Learn more on Coosa Riverkeeper's Facebook event page or visit TinyURL.com/LakesideFFC for the Pell City Free Fishing Clinic OR TinyURL.com/OxfordFFC24 for the Oxford Civic Center Free Fishing Clinic! Please register in advance to attend! In [...]

Monthly Clean-up with Coosa Riverkeeper

Hwy 77 Boat Ramp Alabama 77, Lincoln, AL, United States

Join Coosa Riverkeeper  for another monthly clean-up on Saturday, October 26th from 8AM to 10AM at the Hwy 77 Boat Ramp in Lincoln. This place sadly always needs a lot of attention due to the amount of litter seen by frequent anglers and volunteers. So come on down and bring a friend to help keep [...]

Suttle to US-80 Canoe Trip with Cahaba River Society

Amped Fitness at the Colonnade Colonnade Parkway, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join CRS for a guided canoe trip! This section of the Cahaba River is wild and beautiful! The area is remote and undeveloped, and the river banks are heavily wooded. Along the way, we will see an interesting change in the 30 to 100-foot bluffs along this segment. Around mile 4, we will start to [...]
