Legacy Luncheon with Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

Canoe Restaurant Address: 4199 Paces Ferry Rd SE, Atlanta, GA 30339, Atlanta, AL, United States

In 2020, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper launched their first legacy giving program. The Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Legacy Society celebrates their dedicated and generous supporters who have made a planned gift to ensure a [...]

Free Movie in Semmes with the Alabama Coastal Foundation

Semmes Regional Library 9150 Moffett Road, Semmes, AL, United States

Come to the Semmes Regional Library on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm to watch a free movie! Showing will be the award-winning documentary The Underwater Forest and [...]

Hometown Routes: Back-to-School

Zoom Video Conference

It’s back-to-school season again! This Fall is a great opportunity to deepen our collective education about the systems that shape our everyday lives, including climate, healthcare, housing, civic engagement, and [...]

Bay Bites Food Truck Festival with Mobile Baykeeper

Cooper Riverside Park 101 S Water St, Mobile, AL 36602, USA, United States

Hosted by Mobile Baykeeper's Young Advisory Council (YAC) leadership committee, Bay Bites is an annual food-truck festival benefiting our work for clean water, clean air, and healthy communities. Enjoy delicious [...]


Coosa Valley Sierra Club Picnic

Noccalula Falls Park & Campground 1500 Noccalula Rd, Gadsden, AL, United States

We have been apart since the beginning of Covid, and we hope you will join us for a covered dish picnic at Noccalula Falls Park, pavillion #7. Come and enjoy [...]

Water is Life: TBA

Join us for Water is Life: TBA on Tuesday, September 13 from noon - 1 pm. More information coming soon! Click here to register!   ABOUT THE WATER IS LIFE [...]

Crayfishes of Alabama Book Signing

Alabama Museum of Natural History 427 6th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Visit the Alabama Museum of Natural History on September 14 from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm to get a copy of Crayfishes of Alabama signed and enjoy light refreshments! Crayfishes of Alabama is the first [...]

Crayfishes of Alabama Reception and Book Signing in Milbrook

Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex 2861 Lanark Rd,, Millbrook, AL, United States

Two of the authors, Guenter A. Schuster and Stuart W. McGregor will be on hand to share insights on this comprehensive assessment of the 99 known species of crayfishes in [...]

Sierra Club Montgomery meeting with ARA and River Region Trails

Auburn University at Montgomery , United States

The next in-person meeting of the Sierra Club Montgomery group will be on Thursday, Sep. 15, 7:00 PM, in Room 111 of Goodwyn Hall on the campus of Auburn University-Montgomery [...]
