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Kid’s Day on the River with Friends of the Locust Fork River

June 8, 2024 @ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm


June 8, 2024
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Event Categories:

Our award-winning program for children and their families is fun-filled, activity packed, and completely FREE, including lunch!


Located on the banks of the beautiful Locust Fork River, KDoR gives kids hands-on experience with the river; stations for 2024:

  • Birds of Prey – Valerie Castanza
  • Learn to Kayak – Bob Shepard and Birmingham Canoe Club paddlers – We provide the kayaks!
  • Art by the River – artist Kason Cole
  • and more

FLFR’s yearly event since the year 2000 (except during COVID). Come experience why KDOR received the 2008 BEEP Award (Best Environmental Education Program) from the Environmental Education Association of Alabama. Since 2015 we are listed as one of the activities of the Blount County Schools Summer Programs.


Registration is REQUIRED to attend the event, so we can determine how much lunch we will serve, and to sign the waiver.

When you register, please enter the number of participants where it says “Ticket” FREE Select Quantity. Then click “continue”.

Directions to location will be sent when you register, check your email.

Expect an email from [email protected] a few days before the event.

Please let us know if you need to cancel.


FLFR is inclusive of all members of the community in our activities and events.