Gulf Restoration Network
Gulf Restoration Network is committed to uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf Region.
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Gulf Restoration Network’s priority areas include:
[toggles id=”1″] [togglegroup] [togglehead id=”1″ tab_id=”10″]Coasts & Communities[/togglehead] [togglebody tab_id=”10″]The wonders and challenges of the Gulf’s coast are as complex as the intricate ways the land meets the sea. Gulf Restoration Network’s work spans issues ranging from holding BP accountable for the its drilling disaster to helping restore the coastal lines of defense the protect our communities from storm surge and sea level rise.[/togglebody] [/togglegroup] [togglegroup] [togglehead id=”1″ tab_id=”11″]Energy & Climate Change[/togglehead] [togglebody tab_id=”11″]U.S. dependence on the dirty fossil fuels of the past has had significant consequences for the Gulf region. “Business as usual” placed fossil fuel extraction, production and transportation first – ahead of the health and safety of our communities, and at the expense of our natural resources which are the backbone of our economy and quality of life.[/togglebody] [/togglegroup] [togglegroup] [togglehead id=”1″ tab_id=”12″]Oceans & Marine Life[/togglehead] [togglebody tab_id=”12″]The Gulf of Mexico is the ninth largest body of water in the world and is bordered by the United States to the north (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas), five Mexican states to the west (Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan), and the island of Cuba to the southeast. The Gulf ecosystem is extremely productive and supports a rich diversity of mammals, fish and sea birds. For example, the Gulf is home to 29 species of marine mammals, including resident populations of sperm and minke whales, numerous sea birds, and yields more finfish, shrimp, and shellfish annually than the south and mid-Atlantic, Chesapeake, and New England areas combined. Gulf habitats include vast coastal wetlands, submerged aquatic vegetation, and corals, including Florida’s extensive shallow reefs and hundreds of spectacular and unique deep water reef ecosystems such the Flower Garden Banks off of Texas. [/togglebody] [/togglegroup]
[togglegroup] [togglehead id=”1″ tab_id=”12″]Water & Wetlands[/togglehead] [togglebody tab_id=”12″]Gulf Restoration Network works to protect and restore waters and wetlands throughout the Gulf of Mexico region that are critical to recreation, fisheries, wildlife habitat and drinking water. [/togglebody] [/togglegroup] [gmap address=”330 Carondelet St., Suite 300, New Orleans, LA 70130″]