Dear Friends,
In today’s divisive environment, it sometimes seems as if nothing is getting done or nothing can be done to move things forward. I am blessed to work in a job everyday with people and partners who consistently defy those sentiments. The river protection movement in Alabama is as strong and effective as ever! The Alabama Rivers Alliance continued to successfully play our role as connector, convener, and creator in 2019 to achieve important outcomes for clean water and healthy rivers across Alabama.
In our 2019 Annual Report, you will read about how we utilized our hardworking staff and our shoestring budget to connect people across the state with decision-makers and local organizations.
We created impactful documentary films that lifted up the voices of our partners and communities doing important work to protect Alabama’s air, land, and water and we used those films to build awareness and actions from thousands of Alabamians across the state.
We convened like-minded organizations to come together and build a stronger voice for their region of the state and for our statewide policy advocacy efforts to protect clean water. Our work in 2019 brought new voices to the table and strengthened existing leaders in the movement by creating spaces for all voices to be heard.
This is how we fight through the muck of grid-locked politics and divisive rhetoric. We do it by standing up, speaking out and doing the work. I’m so proud to be a part of this important movement and I hope you will feel as excited as I am when you read how much we accomplished in 2019. Overlay this with all the equally impressive reports from our partner organizations and you will know why Alabama is moving forward toward a clean water future for all living things!
Water IS Life,
Cindy Lowry, Executive Director