Alabama Water Rally Call for Presentations
Alabama Water Rally is the annual conference of the Alabama Rivers Alliance. This is the premier educational, networking and celebratory event for community and watershed based organizations as well as individual Alabamians interested in #CleanWater and protection of all our waterways. The conference moves to different regions of the state each year so that it is accessible to citizens and groups from all parts of Alabama. In 2018, we will bring Alabama Water Rally to our capitol city – Montgomery! We want to be close to the legislative action during this important political year.
We want to hear from YOU about what you want to experience during our 20th Water Rally. We are currently putting together our program of engaging content and speakers, plus plenty of fun camaraderie between water, land and air protectors throughout Alabama. Water Rally gives you a chance to reconnect with colleagues and make those new connections necessary to tackle the work to come. Click here to take a look at last year’s agenda.
About the Presentations
Our theme for this year’s Alabama Water Rally is Communicate, Collaborate, Act. It is more important than ever that we Communicate effectively about our work, Collaborate with as many partners as possible to make the greatest impact, and Act strategically to make the changes we need to protect water in Alabama. The following categories of topics will be considered for presentation.
2018 Alabama Water Rally Presentation Themes:
Communicating Water Issues [to elected officials, community leaders, and/or concerned citizens]
Water Flows and Water Use Issues [Science and/or Policy]
Climate Change and Water [Science and/or Policy]
Water and Public Health [Science and/or Policy]
Community Engagement [Organizing / Education / Outreach]
Fundraising for Small Nonprofits [Grants / Memberships / Events]
If you are an expert on a particular topic that fits in one of these categories, we invite you to submit a presentation proposal to us. If you have someone in mind that you would like to see present on one of these areas, please share this with them and ask them to submit a proposal. We want to hear from YOU. Water Rally registration fees are waived for presenters. Lodging and travel assistance may be available on a case by case basis.
Alabama Water Rally presentations are typically 90 minutes and can include presentation, slides, group activities, and opportunities for participant Q&A. Presentations can be formal or casual, lecture or interactive. You may bring handouts, photos, stories and any other materials. The best presentations incorporate some type of training or teaching that leaves participants with something they can take back to their community!
Presentation proposals due by November 1st.