Friends of Shades Creek Holiday Party

House Party 357 Lucerne Blvd, Homewood, AL, United States

Friends of Shades Creek Holiday Party  Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 at 6:30 P.M. 357 Lucerne Blvd. in Homewood. Our December meeting is a holiday party with a pot-luck supper, good food, good conversation and short presentation for the evening. Bring a dish: vegetable, salad, or dessert. A meat and vegetarian main entree will be provided. Call [...]


“Nature and Mining Series Hike” – Hike the Vulcan Trail with James Lowery

Vulcan Trail Vulcan Trail Parking lot, Birmingham

Meet at 1:30 P.M. at the Vulcan Trail Parking lot on Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd (formerly 21st street S.) The parking lot is on top of Red Mountain overlooking Birmingham and just below Vulcan Park. The hike will last 1 1/2 to 2 hours. The trail is an out and back trail so there is [...]


The 16th Annual Salamander Festival 

The 16th Annual Salamander Festival  on Saturday, January 25, 2020, 3:00 to 5:30 with a hike before the festival at 2:00. To stay updated on programs, outings and events: Visit our website at


Salamander Festival from Friends of Shades Creek

The 17th Annual Salamander Festival will take place on Saturday, January 30, 2021. This year, due to Covid, it will be virtual. You can hear the salamander story, see salamanders, download arts and crafts and listen to special music. Over 35 festival links will be available . The festival will also include a “Storyboard Trail” hike [...]


Cahaba Lily Tour with Friends of Shades Creek and Cahaba River Society

Cahaba River

Sign up now for our Friends of Shades Creek Cahaba Lily trip with the Cahaba River Society on Sunday, June 12. The trip will begin by meeting at 8:00 at the Colonnade Shopping Center in front of Amped Fitness (Formerly Gold's Gym) at 8:00 am and then caravan to the Cahaba National Wildlife Refuge. Participants who do not [...]

Friends of Shades Creek Clean Up

Homewood Soccer Park/Shades Creek Greenway 1800 S. Lakeshore Dr., Vestavia Hills, AL, United States

Saturday, September 24 – Shades Creek Cleanup! Time: 8:30 to Noon  Registration at: Homewood Soccer Field Parking lot next to Shades Creek Greenway. Take Green Springs/Columbiana Road to western end of the Shades Creek Greenway. Address:  1800 South Lakeshore Drive Look for our tent to get trash bags, supplies and sign up If you have a group [...]

Salamander Festival with Friends of Shades Creek

Homewood High School Gymnasium 1901 S Lakeshore Dr S, Homewood, AL, United States

The festival takes place Saturday, January 28 from 1:30 to 4:30 at Homewood High School gymnasium. For the past two years, the Salamander Festival has taken place virtually on our website with videos and salamanders included. (Virtual Festival webpage can be seen here: This year we are back live – in-person in a new [...]

Friends of Shades Creek October Presentation

Zoom Video Conference

Friends of Shades Creek's October meeting (10/12 at 7:00 to 8:30 P.M.) will feature Maggie Amsler, Research Associate, UAB Department of Biology, presenting on her work from over thirty trips to Antarctica! In 2017, Amsler was on one of the first-ever cruises using manned submersibles to document sea floor communities in Antarctica. It is likely [...]

Salamander Festival

Homewood High School Gymnasium 1901 S Lakeshore Dr S, Homewood, AL, United States