Water is Life: Burning Moody Landfill
Zoom Video ConferenceJOIN US LIVE from noon to 1 pm BY CLICKING HERE. If you'd rather just call from your phone, please call 312-626-6799 with PIN: 826 6907 5901 If you want [...]
JOIN US LIVE from noon to 1 pm BY CLICKING HERE. If you'd rather just call from your phone, please call 312-626-6799 with PIN: 826 6907 5901 If you want [...]
Geoff Gisler, Senior Attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center will tell us how advocacy by conservation groups and residents in North Carolina led to the strongest limits on PFAS [...]
Join the People's Justice Council as they see NEW goals for 2023 to address the Gulf South's climate crisis and move from resilience to restoration. William Strickland, the Executive Director [...]
The Alabama legislative session begins March 7. Now is the time to engage with your state legislators about issues you care about -- like clean water -- as they prepare [...]
The Cahaba River is recognized globally for its incredible biodiversity, but much of that biodiversity was put in jeopardy when the Cahaba was cutoff from the Gulf of Mexico decades [...]
Water is Life: Forever Chemicals with Ryan Anderson (SELC) and Eric Reidy (ADEM) The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has provided significant new funding for water infrastructure in Alabama, including dedicated funds [...]
Join Alabama Arise virtually for Town Hall Tuesdays! "Together, we continue to be fueled by hope in our vision of a better Alabama for all. This session is another opportunity [...]
For years, advocates have been sounding alarm bells about the dangers of coal ash sitting in groundwater in unlined pits alongside our rivers and even threatening our drinking water sources. [...]
Join the League of Women Voters of Alabama's Environmental Series -- Alabama Waste Sludge Awareness!! Julie Lay will discuss the practice and hazards of the land application of biosloids [...]
Friends of Shades Creek's October meeting (10/12 at 7:00 to 8:30 P.M.) will feature Maggie Amsler, Research Associate, UAB Department of Biology, presenting on her work from over thirty trips [...]