Water is Life: Build Back Better

Zoom Video Conference

Following on the heels of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which provided significant investment in water and wastewater infrastructure, Congress is now debating the Build Back Better bill which also includes important steps forward for water and climate. Join us Tuesday as we talk with Nat Mund (Southern Environmental Law Center) and Julian Gonzalez [...]


Waste Sludge: Coosa Valley Sierra Club Monthly Meeting

Zoom Video Conference

SLUDGED! Free Fertilizer?  Hmmm….. Presented by Julie Lay How one former industrial agriculture employee discovered municipality and industrial waste water sludge being used as fertilizer on crop land. What she found out, how it impacts YOU, and what you can do. Julie Lay holds a BS in Animal Science from Auburn University and is a former Industrial [...]


Water is Life: Waste Sludge Update

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Waste Sludge Update with Barry Brock (SELC), Julie Lay (Alabama Waste Sludge Awareness) and Doris Cellarius (Sierra Club). Waste in the form of sludge generated from industries like poultry processing plants and wastewater treatment plants is being sprayed on farm fields and property across Alabama and touted as beneficial use. This sludge [...]


ONLINE Course: Audubon at Home: Bird Migration


Pre-registration is required by 12 p.m. CST Tuesday, March 8th. For more information and to register, visit alaudubon.org/event/2022-03-09. Birding in Alabama is a seasonal feast. In spring, neotropical migrants from Central and South America make the perilous trip across or around the Gulf of Mexico, headed north. Some pass through Alabama on their way to the [...]


SRAP webinar on waste sludge

Zoom Video Conference

The Socially Responsible Agriculture Project (SRAP) will be hosting a Zoom Meeting on Monday, March 14 from 7 pm - 8:30 pm. This call is to help explain ADEMs proposed revisions to the regulations and to offer assistance for those of us that are preparing comments. Join via Zoom: https://sraproject.zoom.us/j/83907031785?pwd=VVlsc2xKaU1tR0prRCtTSTNlR09Vdz09 Meeting ID: 839 0703 1785 [...]


ONLINE: Spring Audubon Talk—The Surprising Secrets of Rock Pigeons


Pre-registration is required by 12 p.m. CDT Wednesday, April 20th. For more information and to register, visit alaudubon.org/event/2022-04-21. Most people don’t give city pigeons a second look—and that’s a shame, at least according to Rosemary Mosco, author of A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching: Getting to Know the World’s Most Misunderstood Bird. Not only are [...]


Water is Life: Elections Matter!

Zoom Video Conference

Elections matter to our water and environment because they determine who has the power to make important decisions that impact all aspects of our lives. Join us Tuesday as we talk with the League of Women Voters and the Alabama Poor People's Campaign about their exciting work building up to the upcoming primaries in Alabama [...]

Sludged! with Sierra Club Alabama Chapter

Industries and municipalities produce a waste stream that is being spread on farm fields and property across Alabama and touted as "fertilizer". These sludges are known to have pollutants that harm human health and negatively impact quality of life, water quality, and due to the putrid odor, diminish property values. Julie Lay, an advocate for [...]


Regional Roundtable with EPA & USACE

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is in town as they seek to engage with stakeholders about the new definition of what waters qualifies as "Waters of the U.S." under the Clean Water Act. This roundtable event allows stakeholders the opportunity to engage and discuss experiences with implementing [...]