Water is Life: Water/Ways

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Water/Ways with Alabama Humanities Alliance and Smithsonian's Museum on Main Street As we continue to explore the intersection between water, culture, history, faith, literature and more, we invite you to join us as we talk with the Alabama Humanities Alliance on Tuesday. We'll learn more about the AHA and how they weave [...]


Water is Life: Coal Mining in Alabama

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Coal Mining in Alabama with Black Warrior Riverkeeper's Nelson Brooke The epicenter of coal mining's long history in Alabama is the Black Warrior River watershed. Black Warrior Riverkeeper Nelson Brooke will discuss coal mining in the Black Warrior basin and highlight recent pollution issues at Warrior Met Coal's No. 7 Mine in Tuscaloosa County. Click [...]


Basin Banter with Bill – Tallapoosa

Zoom Video Conference

A monthly series on the major river basins of Alabama featuring Dr. Bill Deutsch, author of Alabama Rivers: A Celebration & Challenge. This Basin Talk will explore the Black Warrior River Basin.   June 30 – Basin Banter with Bill – Tallapoosa – Registration Open July 21 – Basin Banter with Bill – Alabama – SAVE THE [...]


Water is Life: Labor and the Environment

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Labor and the Environment with Brett Wallace (artist and filmmaker) and Natasha Zaretsky (University of Alabama at Birmingham) The connection between environmental protection and labor has never been more prevalent than it is today. From the Green New Deal to infrastructure, we are beginning to understand that policy solutions cannot be made [...]


Water is Life: Alabama Scenic River Trail

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: On the Alabama Scenic River Trail with Jay Grantland Many may be familiar with hiking on famous trails like the Appalachian Trail our Alabama Pinhoti Trail and maybe you have even heard of "trail angels" that help people along the way, but did you know that there are also river trails and water trail angels?  [...]


Audubon at Home: Bird Banding Basics

Zoom Video Conference

Pre-registration is required by 12 p.m. CDT Monday, July 12th, and space is limited. For more information and to register, visit https://alaudubon.org/event/2021-07-13/. While this is a free event, please support our work if you are able by making a tax-deductible donation at alaudubon.org/give. Bird banding has been used to study birds as early as the 1600s. Today, [...]


Water is Life: Coastal Restoration

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Coastal Restoration with Mary Kate Brown of The Nature Conservancy Protecting Alabama's coastal ecosystems and communities to make them more resilient to storms and climate change is not an easy undertaking, but success is happening in Alabama.  Join us Tuesday as we talk with Mary Kate Brown of The Nature Conservancy in [...]


Basin Banter with Bill – Alabama

Zoom Video Conference

A monthly series on the major river basins of Alabama featuring Dr. Bill Deutsch, author of Alabama Rivers: A Celebration & Challenge. This Basin Talk will explore the Black Warrior River Basin. July 21 – Basin Banter with Bill – Alabama Aug 18 – Basin Banter with Bill – Coastal Plain Streams & Chattahoochee Sept 22 [...]


Water is Life: Oyster Shell Recycling

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Oyster Shell Recycling with Alabama Coastal Foundation's Mark Berte Whether or not you like eating oysters, you will enjoy learning about the benefits they provide and the state's oyster shell recycling program that is led by the Alabama Coastal Foundation. A major success story since it began in October 2016, oyster shells [...]


Water is Life: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is one of the most important state agencies when it comes to protecting water and wildlife and more.  Join us Tuesday as we talk with Commissioner Chris Blankenship and Deputy Commissioner Ed Poolos about the agency's management of [...]
