Water is Life: Success Stories from 2024!

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Success Stories from 2024! Join us for our next Water is Life Zoom Talk on Tuesday, December 10 from noon - 1 pm as we hear the success stories from the Alabama environmental movement in 2024!   In the meantime... Using the arrows in the upper left of the video box below, scroll [...]


Water is Life: Water Infrastructure Progress with ARA and ADEM

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Water Infrastructure Progress with ARA and ADEM Join us for our Water is Life Zoom Talk on Tuesday, November 19 from noon - 1 pm where we will dive into how crucial drinking water and wastewater infrastructure funding is reaching Alabama communities. ADEM’s State Revolving Fund Branch Chief, Eric Reidy, along with [...]


Water is Life: Get Out the Vote!

Zoom Video Conference

Water is Life: Get Out the Vote! with League of Women Voters of Alabama and  Alabama State Conference of the NAACP It's time again to exercise your responsibility to vote for decision makers that impact our water, our lives, our communities and our country! Join us Tuesday, October 22 from noon - 1 pm on [...]


Water is Life: Muddy Thinking in the Mississippi River Delta

Zoom Video Conference

Beat the summer heat and join us from the comfort of your own home or office for our Water Is Life Summer Reading Zoom Series! We are excited to feature two local Alabama authors and one Southeastern author as we discuss their newly published books. The topics range from restoring rivers to the poetry of [...]

Water is Life: Glass Cabin

Zoom Video Conference

Beat the summer heat and join us from the comfort of your own home or office for our Water Is Life Summer Reading Zoom Series! We are excited to feature two local Alabama authors and one Southeastern author as we discuss their newly published books. The topics range from restoring rivers to the poetry of [...]


Water is Life: Southern Rivers

Zoom Video Conference

Beat the summer heat and join us from the comfort of your own home or office for our Water Is Life Summer Reading Zoom Series! We are excited to feature two local Alabama authors and one Southeastern author as we discuss their newly published books. The topics range from restoring rivers to the poetry of [...]


LWV Voter Education Series: Union 101 for Sweet Home Alabama

Zoom Video Conference

On Monday June 10, 2024 at 6:30pm Adam Keller of Alabama Arise and Jennifer Sherer of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) will reprise their discussion of what unions do, who today’s union members are, and why unions matter for racial, gender, and economic justice and democracy—especially in Alabama. The League of Women Voters Alabama believes that [...]

Summer Advocacy Workshop: Alabama Rivers Alliance with UAB Lister Hill Center

Zoom Video Conference

Join the Lister Hill Center for Health Policy as we host a series of summer advocacy workshops featuring community partners doing on-the-ground work in the field of health policy. These virtual seminars will offer an opportunity to enhance your civics education, learn about an organization working toward environmental equity, and have a chance to get [...]

Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Design, Maintenance, & Planning Workshop

Zoom Video Conference

This workshop will focus on how to design and encourage the use of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) in your community with long-term operation and maintenance in mind. GSI can be used to supplement or replace traditional gray stormwater infrastructure for managing the impacts of runoff in urban areas. Through design case studies, interactive discussion, and [...]
